How Can I Get Referrals?
Secondly, don't be bashful! Some people don't like asking for referrals, possibly because they think it makes them seem pushy and arrogant. Replace the words "pushy and arrogant" with "aggressive and confident" and you have a strong toolset to offer. Remember that you are helping others and offer to spread the love. Ask your current clients if they know of anyone who can benefit by your services and be persistent.
Thirdly, be creative. You can learn a lot from rewards programs when it comes to generating new business. For example, make referrals the key to incentivizing your clients by giving them a discount after they bring you a certain amount of referrals. If your fee is 25 percent, give your client 22.5 percent after five referrals and 20 percent after 10 referrals. The key is that the referrals will generate more money than the discounted percentage.
Outside of discounting existing clients, do something out of the norm in the name of referrals. I know a fantastic insurance salesman who takes his clients on an incredible annual trip. The trip has been to all different places around the country and good enough to keep them coming back. The price to get on this trip is not in dollars but in referrals; 10 referrals gets you on the trip, 20 referrals allows you a plus one.
Another insurance salesman throws an elaborate dinner party where the entrance fee is two referrals, both of whom have to be at the dinner. The brilliance in that idea is the referrals get to enjoy the party and see how good you are to your clients and how loyal they are to you.
Make it known that you are hungry for more business and happily welcome referrals; this will engage your clients on a new level and build your relationship with them as you build relationships with others. Not only do referrals drive your business, but they open a world of opportunity to impress your existing and future clientele.
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